Indigenous Knowledge and Philosopy in Pencak Silat Tradition

Suryo Ediyono ,  Reza Sukma Nugraha ,  Alif Al Hilal Ahmad
Faculty of Cultural Studies, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta


Pencak silat is an attitude of self-reflection towards the embodiment of Javanese knowledge, because it teaches us to become human beings with noble character which can be achieved through the implementation of certain rituals such as breathing exercises, fasting and certain rituals. The concept of previous martial arts combined a total system of body training through physical and mental training, one is expected to know more about one's abilities, strengths and weaknesses, views of good and bad, know the beauty of every movement of the body and soul which is embedded in a spiritual quest called ngelmu. The existence of pencak silat as a martial art, which was developed and maintained in Java, cannot be separated from the customs of Javanese cultural traditions. Pencak silat is an interesting part of studying the essence and understanding a set of life principles as a guide to life. Pencak silat has a central role that reflects the epistemology of Javanese culture in general. This study was designed using qualitative research methods. The main approach in this research is focused on factual history. The analysis technique of synthesis and interpretation of data on the philosophy of Javanese culture which is reflected in the PSHT martial arts school. Ritual practices are manifested in the form of self-defense techniques that aim to explore the intuitive knowledge of PSHT members obtained through various processes. In essence, Javanese epistemology and its integration with ritual philosophy has the support of members of the pencak silat embodied in a ritual of salvation called slametan. Rituals involve the use of offerings which are philosophically believed to be able to bridge behavior with a spiritual sense, which is embedded in the martial arts practiced by members of the PSHT community. The process of moving from physical to spiritual forging is one of bodily encouragement that works in tandem with the spiritual sense phase. 


indigenous, philosopy, pencak silat, tradition


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Volume 09, 17 Mar 2023
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