Rules as The Key to The Success of Education in The New Normal Era

Rintia ,  Firza
Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia


The New Normal Era is the impact of the spread of Covid-19 which has brought the world of education to new habits with various challenges in the academic environment. The learning process becomes less effective due to weak rules and discipline. The purpose of this article is to conduct a more in-depth analysis of the learning process in the New Normal era. The research uses the conceptual paper method. The research was conducted by looking for data on scientific articles about learning in the New Normal era. The results showed that strong enforcement of rules against students can improve student discipline which has a positive effect on learning outcomes. Therefore, law as a social engineering tool has the potential as a solution to restore student identity as educated people who obey the rules and have a clear timeline and deadline. Clear rules in learning make students have discipline and commitment to themselves. This is very important for successful learning. The conclusions obtained from this study are that the success of learning in the new normal era is closely related to clear rules in learning.


rules, success, education, New Normal


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Volume 10, 26 Mar 2023
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