Use of Online Learning Media in Family Hope Program (PKH) Training at BBPPKS Regional 1 Sumatera

Tasia Apriani ,  Yanti Shantini
Department of Community Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


This research was motivated by high learning outcomes in PKH training at BBPPKS Regional 1 Sumatera. It is proven by the learning outcomes of participants who reach the graduation target set by the BBPPKS institution. Researchers suspect that the cause of high training participants learning outcomes is because Widyaiswara and participants are able to use online learning media well. This study aims to examine the use of online learning media in the Family Hope Program (PKH) training at BBPPKS Regional 1 Sumatera. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. The population in this study was PKH training participants, totaling 40 people. The sample was taken from 65% of the population, and the sample technique was cluster random sampling. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire, while the data collection tool lists statements. The data analysis technique uses the percentage formula. The results showed that the use of online learning media in PKH training at BBPPKS Regional 1 Sumatera was (a) the relevance of the material for using online learning media was good (b) Widyaiswara’s ability to use online learning media was good (c) ease of use of online learning media for participants classified as good (d) the availability of materials using online learning media is classified as good (e) the usefulness of using online learning media is classified as good. It is proven by most of the training participants giving statements always.


Online learning media, family hope program (PKH), training


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Volume 07, 21 Oct 2021
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