The Role of Education for Poverty Alleviation in the Perspective of Critical Pedagogy

Siti Murtiningsih ,  Hastanti Widy Nugroho ,  Iva Ariani ,  Agus Himmawan Utomo
Faculty of Philosophy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The critical pedagogy perspective is currently being promoted in education to advocate for inclusion and equity. However, few have considered the prospect of its application in the role of education towards poverty alleviation. This research discusses the contribution of Paulo Freire's thoughts on the idea of pedagogy of the oppressed which discusses the education of the oppressed. The education of the oppressed is education for humans who are involved in fighting for their freedom from the shackles of structural poverty created by education. Oppression referred to by Paulo Freire is any form of thought, structure, system, or culture that dominates, blackmails, deprives, dehumanizes, and prevents others from affirming themselves as dignified human beings. This research uses a systematic or narrative review to examine various theoretical literature and empirical research then analyzes all source materials using content analysis techniques. The results show that education can reduce poverty, as it will provide opportunities to get a decent education that can encourage participation in more decent work. In addition, critical education will increase critical awareness in solving problems and communicating through various means. This research argues that education plays a role in reducing poverty. Not only that, through the view of critical pedagogy, it can encourage individuals to be able to develop the potential they have in themselves, so that they can live independently. Critical pedagogy should be taught to students from an early age to generate critical thinking in addressing the realities of life.


education, poverty, critical pedagogy


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Volume 11, 04 Apr 2024
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