Ethical Review of Relation Between Formal and Informal Leaders in Building National Resilience in Bondowoso Regency, East Java

Ridwan Ahmad Sukri ,  Syafiq Effendhy
Faculty of Philosophy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


What is meant by national resilience? National resilience is a dynamic condition of all aspects of national life that contains tenacity, strength, and toughness with the ability to develop national strength to face and overcome all threats, challenges, obstacles, and disturbances, both coming from within and outside the country, directly or indirectly. Endangering the integrity, identity, and survival of the nation, and the struggle to achieve national goals. National resilience is a fundamental need that must be pursued so that a nation continues to exist. Indonesia's national security has experienced disruption in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic. Bondowoso Regency responded in various ways to face and anticipate possible obstacles in the future. Of course, these efforts cannot be separated from the roles of leaders. Leaders play an important role in mobilizing and optimizing the resilience potential that exists in society. In Bondowoso, where the majority of the population is Madurese, there are at least two types of leaders: formal and informal. Formal and informal leaders in Bondowoso Regency actually have good relations with each other, synergize, and collaborate. Like Madurese society in general, the Bondowoso people have local wisdom in the form of a hierarchy of leaders that must be obeyed, and formal leaders such as the government are in fourth place. This article focuses on an ethical review of the relationship between formal and informal leaders in building strong community resilience. The model of good relations between leaders in society can be a model for building national resilience that can be imitated by other ethnic groups in Indonesia, because in various ethnic groups in Indonesia, there are two types of leaders: formal and informal.


national resilience, local wisdom, formal and informal leaders


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Volume 11, 04 Apr 2024
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