Anthropocentric Study on the Role of Human Power in the Household Waste Management System of the Bajo Tribe Settlement in Boalemo, Gorontalo

Fitria Yusrifa1 1 ,  Dominikus Yoeli Wilson Laia 2 ,  Shoim Mardiyah 3
1 Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar Foundation, Indonesia
2 Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Philosophy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


The Bajo tribe, inhabiting the coastal area of Tilamuta in Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo, has established sea-based settlements over several decades. As a community famously referred to as the "people of the sea," the Bajo people maintain a close connection with the marine environment, relying heavily on marine resources for sustenance. Paradoxically, the management of household waste in the Bajo Boalemo settlement contradicts the purported harmonious relationship between the Bajo people and the marine ecosystem. This study aims to comprehensively investigate, identify, and analyze the human power influencing the household waste management system in the Bajo Tribe settlement in Boalemo, Gorontalo. Employing a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including in-depth interviews and literature reviews, the research delves into the present perceptions, behaviours, and attitudes of the Bajo people in Tilamuta regarding household waste management in their community. The findings reveal that a majority of Bajo residents in Tilamuta acknowledge the detrimental impact of solid inorganic waste on the marine environment, recognizing its adverse effects on the quality of life for marine biota. In contrast, they view solid organic waste, such as food scraps and losses, and liquid waste, like sewage, as environmentally friendly, leading to intentional disposal into the sea, which is, in fact, harmful to the environment. Despite awareness of the risks associated with solid inorganic waste, occasional disposal into the sea persists, underscoring a form of anthropocentrism where convenience often outweighs environmental considerations. Addressing this issue requires a pivotal role from the government, involving raising awareness, disseminating crucial information about waste and its environmental impacts, and providing suitable facilities for waste management in Tilamuta. This study underscores the necessity of proactive measures to align the Bajo people's practices with sustainable environmental stewardship.


Bajo tribe, household waste management system, anthropocentric study, Boalemo


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Volume 11, 04 Apr 2024
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