A Social Ecological View in Overcoming the Environmental Crisis

Dela Khoirul Ainia ,  Bagus Arianto ,  Hanan Prawira Semesta ,  Sofia Natalia Zebua
Faculty of Philosophy Gadjah Mada University. Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Humans contribute to preserving nature and are even responsible for ecological disasters that occur. Humans have different characteristics from other living beings, which tend to be manipulative and want power. Conflicts related to exploiting natural resources will continue to arise if the harmony of social structures remains a problem. The orientation of modern humans tends to be materialistic and hedonistic, thus affecting the way they view their environmental systems, and contributing greatly to environmental damage. The increase in ecological disasters today cannot be separated from the poor environmental governance that tends to use natural resources without proper and sustainable environmental restoration. Through a socio-ecological approach, we seek to eliminate the commercialization of natural resources by adopting a social approach that embraces ecology, reconstruction, and communitarian approaches. This theory seeks to reconstruct and revise current views on social issues and environmental factors. The research data was collected through news fact collection and literature searches which were then subjected to descriptive and interpretive analysis. The results showed that (1) social ecology provides an understanding by prioritizing an egalitarian and democratic social structure so that humans can walk in harmony with nature, this aspect can be the basis for environmental management (2) social ecology is influenced by aspects of spirituality and egalitarianism in social structures to be a solution to the environmental crisis through changes in perspective on environmental management.


human;social ecology; environmental; crisis; nature sustainability


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Volume 11, 04 Apr 2024
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