Javanese Philosophy of Empan Papan in Responding to Hu-man Challenges Facing Technological Acceleration

Andrean Ferry Wijarnarko1 1 ,  Septiana Dwiputri Maharani 2
1 Magister of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sleman, 55281
2 Faculty of Philosophy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sleman, 55281


The acceleration of technology today is very fast, and its utilisation is very complex. The presence of tech-nology is seen as one of the human efforts to solve life's problems, although technology is not fully capable of completely solving life’s problems. New technology, when introduced and applied in a certain society, may create new problems if it is not in accordance with the natural conditions and the quality of humans in-habiting the area. New problems often arise from suboptimal utilisation of technology, which is not matched by the quality of human resources in managing and utilising technology. Reflecting on the Javanese philoso-phy of Empan Papan, humans today need to adjust themselves to improve their quality to adapt to the accel-eration of technology in the modern era. This study provides a philosophical interpretation of the importance of adjustments in the application of contemporary technology in Indonesia. The application of technology ad-justed to the quality and standards of a society inhabiting a certain area can be beneficial. Improving human quality and standards in applying technology in a particular region is also a factor in supporting regional pro-gress. Essentially, people’s quality, when equivalent to the quantity of technology, can work harmoniously if there is compatibility in its application.


acceleration technology, empan papan, human and technology, Javanese philosophy


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Volume 11, 04 Apr 2024
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