Dismantling Reductionism in the Green Revolution Project with Vandana Shiva’s Approach

Andrean Ferry Wijarnarko 1 ,  Leonardus Aditya Krisnadi 2
1 Magister of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sleman, 55281
2 Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424


This research is philosophical research on actual problems. This study tries to present Vandana Shiva’s critique of the Green Revolution project. This research uses the philosophical hermeneutic method with methodological elements consisting of description, historical continuity, and critical reflection. After the Second World War ended, one of the major impacts experienced by various countries was the destruction of the agricultural industry and an increasing food crisis around the globe. The newly independent Indonesia also experienced the impact of the war on national agriculture. This condition triggers a new demand for modern agricultural technology to achieve maximum yields. The Green Revolution project promises to meet this new demand, this project brings modern agricultural technology with superior seeds and mass production systems. In reality, the Green Revolution project reduces local knowledge about sustainable food production and replaces it with mass production of food. The diversity of local people’s food is seen as unfavourable in the Green Revolution era. Vandana Shiva criticizes the impact of the Green Revolution project on life. Shiva explained the Green Revolution had the following impacts: creating a food monoculture, destroying the environment, promoting the capitalization of the agricultural industry, and displacing local knowledge. Therefore, local people are powerless as a result of reductionism in the Green Revolution project. Local knowledge is considered inferior compared to Western knowledge presented in the Green Revolution project.


green revolution, reductionism, vandana shiva


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Volume 11, 04 Apr 2024
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