Open Science and Humanism: Decolonization of Knowledge and Fractality of Identities

Yurii Mielkov
Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


The paper is dedicated to philosophical analysis of the value foundations of the Open Science concept and its link to the more general concept of humanism, as the means for building up the common knowledge of humanity while still not sacrificing the diversity of existing cultures and traditions. The philosophical methods used in the investigation include dialectics and post-non-classical approach as it is argued that solving the problem of the coexistence of humans and human cultures and enabling the openness of human knowledge requires understanding the dialectical relation of unity and plurality. It is argued that openness as a major feature of contemporary scientific knowledge corresponds to both the classical principles of ethos of science – first of all, to universalism – and to the new trends in research and education that emerged thanks to the development of information technologies. Openness is shown to be a characteristic of a community that does not put its own private or corporate goals and values above the common human values – Open Science is thus closely linked with the idea of humanism. It is shown that at the same time such universalism is not opposed by, but rather presupposes decolonization of knowledge, as the alternative, local, traditional forms of knowledge augment universal knowledge of science based on rational inquiry rather than replace it. Human knowledge, as well as human culture and human identities in general, are argued to be fractal phenomena: diversity of alternative forms of knowledge, cultures, languages, world views etc. is in no way something that opposes the unity of humanity and vice versa, and that is a necessary way to achieve mutual respect, mutual recognition and mutual understanding of the humans.


open science, values of universalism, humanism, fractality of identities


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Volume 09, 17 Mar 2023
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