John Locke's Ethics: Reflection of The Concept of Property Rights

Sugeng 1 ,  M.S. Rezky Sanaky 1 ,  Annisa Fitria 2
1 Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia
2 Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia


Happiness is the goal of mankind and an eternal philosophical discourse.  The main values for achieving happiness have been explored since the era of logos replaced mythology, and become an important theme of philosophy because it is relevant to this day.  Some of the philosophers have contributed to developing teachings about the main values in realizing happiness in people's lives. This article aims to explore the ethical thinking of John Locke, who is known as one of the founders of empiricism.  Recognition of individual property that supports the human goal to live a happy life.  This concept then becomes the basis for the development of a market economy and global capitalism, following the logic of capital accumulation that has no end, and blurs the rationality of the boundaries of individual rights and collective rights. The research method used is a literature study, by tracing the works of John Locke in the field of ethics, especially on human rights and property rights. The works on John Locke's thoughts are also a source of this research. From the results of the study, it can be shown that not all of John Locke's thoughts on ethics are relevant to Indonesian conditions. As a philosophical discussion, John Locke's ethics can enrich concepts and theories about citizens' property rights that need to be protected by the state, but as a policy it needs modifications that are by the main values according to the needs of society.


Ethics, Eudaimonia, John Locke


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Volume 09, 17 Mar 2023
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