'Arisan Rukun': The Cultural Strategy of the Lahendong Community, North Sulawesi in Maintaining Brotherhood Ties from Generation to Generation (Study of Social Solidarity Theory of Emile Durkheim)

Fitria Yusrifa 1 ,  Siti Murtiningsih 2
1 Magister of National Resilience Study Programme, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
2 Department of Western Philosohpy, Faculty of Philosophy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


'Arisan Rukun' is an activity that is held regularly by the Lahendong community and is attended by several families who come from the same lineage. The existence of this tradition is a hallmark of the Lahendong community which belongs to the Minahasa ethnic group, which emphasizes solid relationships between one family and another. Emile Durkheim's Social Solidarity Theory views social solidarity as the collective consciousness of a society, and underscores the shift in social work. This study aims to explore the philosophical meaning of the existence of 'Arisan Rukun' as part of a cultural strategy in maintaining harmony between families and community members from the perspective of Emile Durkheim's Social Solidarity Theory. This study is a qualitative study that uses observation and in-depth interviews with Lahendong residents in the data collection process. The data processing was carried out by using philosophical hermeneutic analysis techniques from verbatim data transcription and using Emile Durkheim's Social Solidarity theory as an analytical tool. This study illustrates that 'Arisan Rukun' is passed down from one generation to another as a form of awareness to maintain kinship ties, especially to remember where people come from. As a consequence of the change in people's perspective, the social system in Lahendong, which was originally a mechanical community group to an organic working community group, turned out to have an impact on the existence of 'Arisan Rukun'. This can be observed from the form of the 'Arisan Rukun' activity, which is adapted to the conditions of the times and the financial capabilities of the family members involved. Collective awareness as the basis for the existence of 'Arisan Rukun' becomes a pillar in overcoming conflicts between families in Lahendong village, so that this tradition continues to be passed down from generation to generation.


Arisan Rukun, Emile Durkheim, Lahendong, Minahasa, Social Solidarity


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Volume 09, 17 Mar 2023
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