The Future of Desa Pancasila as Indigenous Knowledge: Comparative Study of Balun Village in Lamongan and Nogosari Hamlet in Bantul

Fitri Alfariz ,  Rr. Yudiswara Ayu Permatasari
Faculty of Philosophy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Pancasila as a state ideology needs to continue to be actualized. One way to actualize it is to make the village one of the practical spaces. Villages are also an implication for the space for indigenous knowledge to occur. the two pancasila villages used as research objects are Balun village and Nogosari hamlet. Both of them have their own character and background as Pancasila Village. The character in each village provides sharpening of the character of Pancasila village as indigenous knowledge trough the worldviews. Therefore, this study aims to make the findings as a future concept for Pancasila Village. The purpose is based on the position of Pancasila Village as Indigineous Knowledge. The method used is a field study, namely in balun village, Lamongan, east java and Nogosari hamlet, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Data collection methods are interviews, observations, and libraries. The result obtained is that the ideal concept of pancasila village based on indigenous knowledge is to pay more attention to the relationship between individual knowledge and the social and environment. Focusing on the relationship of social cognition can provide optimization to the preservation of the originality of knowledge that exists in the community and the regulation of the direction of development of Pancasila Village.


Pancasila village, indigenous knowledge, worldviews, balun village, Nogosari hamlet


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Volume 09, 17 Mar 2023
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