Nick Bostrom, a transhumanist figure, referred human
perfection on three pillars: including super longevity (super long life), super
wellbeing (super happy) and super intelligence (super intelligent). This cyborg
human model adheres to the epistemology of scientism which he values as
anti-traditionalist culture, religious dogmas and metaphysics, but in principle
ostrom bases his perfect human model on Nietzsche (Der ubermensch),
whereas scientism in Nietzsche's view is a form of religious ideas in a certain
degree. This paper attempts to reveal the epistemological paradox of Bostrom's
concept of transhumanism through Nietzsche's genealogical philosophy and its
epistemological implications. The method used in this research is an
epistemological and genealogical analysis on the three main pillars of Bostrom
which are the basic foundations of its transhumanism. In this study, it is
found first that the Bostrom paradox occurs not only in the misinterpretation
of a perfect man, where Bostrom considers the fulfillment of the three pillars,
whereas what Nietzsche means is as an independent human being in the sense of
two things, namely: able to govern himself and be united or only rely on
himself, and not relying on external reality or dogma. The second, paradoxes occur
in the belief system of the pillars of Bostrom's transhumanism where he relies
on the absolutism of science and negates all assumptions or arguments that come
from metaphysics and religion. Meanwhile, what Nietzsche means is to hold on to
the relativity of truth where humans will be weak and flawed if they rely on
beliefs outside themselves, including science.
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