The Role Silek as A Source of Science

Ediwar 1 ,  Roza Muliati 1 ,  Susasrita Loravianti 1 ,  Sentot Soleh Sri Widodo 1 ,  Zuari Abdullah 2
1 Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang, Padangpanjang, Indonesia
2 Praktisi Silat Minangkabau, Solok, Indonesia


Silek is one of the local wisdom of Minangkabau society in the form of martial and performances arts. Learning and mastering silek is generally compulsory for every man in Minangkabau. Silek is considered capable of forming attitudes and behaviors that are effective in dealing with life.  Silek is also a source of science for the Minangkabau society. Learning silek is the same as baraja malangkah (learn to walk) implies the importance of silek as well as walking in humans for the provision of life. The strategic role of Silek evokes a relevant comprehensive study of Silek. This paper attempts to explain the concept of silek as a source of science in Minangkabau. A qualitative method with an interpretive analysis approach is applied. The data were obtained through field and literature studies in order to obtain a holistic formulation. The results expose that silek as a source of sciencee can be explained based on the concept of baraja malangkah which consists of three types of silek steps namely langkah tigo, langkah ampek, and langkah sambilan, as well as scientific construction.


Silek, knowledge, Minangkabau


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Volume 09, 17 Mar 2023
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