Tourism is an industrial sector that is proliferating and
promises benefits to large groups of people. This growth encourages the
formation of tourist destinations consisting of infrastructure, supporting
communities, and tourist attractions in many places. Some tourist destinations
highlight the culture of the people as part of a tourist attraction. Using
local culture as a tourist attraction will inevitably lead to a shift in the
values and meanings of the culture. Culture consists of three dimensions;
artifacts, behaviors, and ideas. Dimensions of ideas from culture include,
among others, beliefs and knowledge that are owned and passed down from
generation to generation through formal and non-formal education processes. In
the context of culture as a tourist attraction, the dimensions of local
cultural ideas will adapt to the tourism paradigm. Local beliefs will become a
part of an economic system that emphasizes uniqueness in its interactions with
other beliefs. Local knowledge, which includes factual, conceptual, procedural,
and metacognitive knowledge, initially a process of adaptation of local
communities to their environment, is now part of the tourism paradigm. Because
of its global nature, the tourism paradigm is a paradigm that has universal
standards. Therefore, epistemological awareness is needed to meet the
dimensions of local cultural ideas and the global tourism paradigm. This
epistemological awareness can be stimulated through knowledge management of the
supporting community in the tourist destination by utilizing existing
educational institutions and local organizations.
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