The Framework of Law Impacts in Philosophy of Law and Justice: How the Certainty and Justice Understood?

Artha Debora Silalahi
Constitutional Court Republic Indonesia


This paper put an analysis on the autonomy principle among law practitioners. The principle and values usually use as the basic concept for justice understanding. The justice concept is adopted to enforce the law in the fair trial process should not just understand to be the main goal. There must be a wide broad approach segmented the social and cultural frameworks with the conceptual analysis. This article is also concerned for searching the reason relating to the paradigmatic practical calculations to constitute the rule known as the reasonable rationale. The essential conditions of what is practically  managing the guide with the rule application remarks just revealed. These remarks hopefully can bring a clear explanation relating to the law practitioners pragmatic view of speech act implications for debating the provisions. The standard case of rules is formulated to protect and to fulfill the people's rights rather rigidly fixing its range of application. There are powers of the people is nevertheless limited decisions of legal validity concerning the substance of the law. Dissatisfaction with the understanding of law practitioners for making the reliable concept relating to the relationship between the law and powers of people is underpinned by the ideal of popular sovereignty influence to be understood. It is similar to the argument that consisted of the legal system for the rule of law to be existed. There is a necessity to confirm and build some mechanism of certain social practices among public officials and law practitioners. There must be clear perspectives on how and why the government and their policies absolutely cannot avoid the political biased and the certainty of law urge to build the certain facts of law for the people to be able to make law at all.


legal certainty, the framework of law, justice, law impact, law philosophy


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Volume 09, 17 Mar 2023
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