The Symbolic in the Culinary of Kapalo Lauak At Community Social At Pariaman

Wirdanengsih ,  Tri Nurza Rahmawati
Departement Sociology, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to examine and describe the culinary symbolic interaction kapalo lauak in the Padang Pariaman community. The research uses a qualitative-ethnographic approach that will examine the meaning of the culinary symbolism of kapalo lauak for the Pariaman people. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews and documentation studies. The theory that used in this study the theory of symbolic interaction with a phenomenological approach. The research results show that a way of life for the Minangkabau people who really glorify aesthetics and the value of delicious food, one of which is believed to have value and philosophy on the structure of the cuisine of Kapalo Lauak. Kapalo lauak is a culinary that has a close relationship with the socio-cultural system of the community interacting in everyday life. Kapalo lauak is a culinary that has been introduced from generation to generation and has become a symbol of the identity of the people of Padang Pariaman. From the way of choosing ingredients, cooking, serving and consuming them, a symbolism is drawn which represents the value of life, the value of work, the value of social relations in Pariaman society.  The meaning of sombolime from Kapalo Lauak has become a meaningful tool for people's behavior through culinary arts.


Symbolism, Social Interaction, Culinary, Socio-cultural


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Volume 10, 26 Mar 2023
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