Fast Food as a Lifestyle of Urban Teenagers: A Study of Visitors to the Janji Jiwa Coffee Shop in the City of Padang

M. Abdi Azzara ,  Eka Vidya Putra ,  Haldi Patra
Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia


The second wave of the development of drinking coffee is characterized by consumers who attach importance to experience rather than flavour. One such place is Janji Jiwa, a franchise coffee shop that opened widely in Indonesia. The assumption in studying the nature of the fast food principle is related to limited free time. At the same time, visitors are dominated by urban youth groups who are not limited to free time. This paper seeks to examine the opinions of teenage visitors to the Janji Jiwa coffee shop about the principles of fast food restaurants that represent the lifestyle of urban people. This research was qualitative, and data were obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation. The study's result shows that for visitors, the principle of fast food is a symbol of modernity and relates to the characteristics of urban teenagers. The dimension of efficiency not only benefits the management of the coffee shop but also provides accessibility value for visitors. It can be viewed from production speed, self-service, Grab and Go, and cashless payments. Despite an attempt to strip off traditional methods, fast food service has become a form of cultural domination or oppression of individuals in society that reach into lifestyle areas. Thus, the principle of fast food is a form of improvement in the capitalist system.


coffee shop, lifestyle, mcdonaldization, urban society


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Volume 10, 26 Mar 2023
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