Utilizing Technology Development As a Support Of Students Towards a Golden Generation in The Era Of The Industrial Revolution 4.0

Fadilla Saputri
Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia


This research is motivated by technological developments that coincide with the prediction of the golden generation in the next few years which will transform the quality and quantity of human beings for the better. In fact, in 2045, the Indonesian people will face one of the most important moments in the course of history, that is, they will face a phase where the productive age will reach 75% of the population, which is called the golden generation. The flow of technological developments in the current era of digitalization grows and develops together with the presence of the younger generation as the golden generation which is estimated to be a cog in the pattern and process of life development. The life of today's young generation, especially students as the final generation within the framework of education has a fairly collective role along with the development of information and communication technology in the digital world to form quality students who are able to have high competitiveness as the golden generation. The analysis in this paper is focused on efforts to utilize technological developments as a support to create students to be able to have competitiveness in predicting the golden generation that will be formed in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The sub-analysis focuses on the use of technological developments by students, students who are agents of change, the readiness of students themselves as the golden generation, and students as drivers of innovation in the digitalization era.


agents of change, golden generation, technology


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Volume 10, 26 Mar 2023
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