Forcing a Cultural Understanding of Communication Technology about Vaccine Information in the Era of Covid Pandemic

Elva Ronaning Roe ,  Sarmiati ,  Revi Martha
Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on changing mindsets and daily behavior for merchants at Pasar Raya, Padang City. They are forced to be tech savvy to sell their wares. Previously, they did not care about a number of technology applications. They tend to sell their wares manually, interacting directly with buyers. Not only for selling, technology applications on mobile phones also help merchants a lot, especially vaccine information. This study used a qualitative method by taking a phenomenological approach to see how the experience of merchants in Pasar Raya in utilizing communication technology and updates on Covid-19 vaccine information at Pasar Raya. Interviews were conducted with 10 traditional merchants in Pasar Raya. The results of the study explain that the forced literacy of information and communication technology has become a new culture for merchants in Pasar Raya. Using of this technology is very helpful for merchants to keep up to date information, especially information on Covid-19 and the use of vaccines. Merchants are also connected in What's app Merchant groups to communicate.  


phenomenology, communication technology, vaccine, merchants, Pasar Raya


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Volume 10, 26 Mar 2023
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