Utilization of Google Classroom in Developing Student Creativity in Designing Digital-Based Learning

Eka Asih Febriani 1 ,  Kokom Komalasari 1 ,  Elly Malihah 1 ,  Nurlizawati 2 ,  Inge Kadarsih 3
1 Faculty of Social Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
3 Elementary School Sungai Limau, Pariaman, Indonesia


The development of science, technology and information in the digital era affects all aspects of human life. Technological innovations were developed to help and simplify work. By studying learning innovations, students can design, manage, and carry out learning that is more interesting and innovative. The purpose of this study is to describe the benefits of Google Classroom in developing the creativity of prospective educators in designing digital-based learning. The research method used is a qualitative case study type. Data obtained through interviews and observation. This research was conducted at the sociology department of the sociology education study program, especially for the learning innovation course in the January-June 2022 semester. The technique for selecting research informants used purposive sampling. The informants consisted of 22 lecturers and students. Data analysis was performed by Miles Huberman's interactive analysis consisting of: data collection, data reduction, data display, and verification/conclusion. The results of the research findings are that the learning approach used in learning is student-centered approach. The learning platform used to practice managing online learning is Google Classroom. Online classes are designed according to interests and teaching needs. Learning tools are structured and systematic. The experience gained by students is not only as a student but also the experience of being a teacher who manages his own class. Online classes can help students take advantage of free time to study independently. The design of learning materials becomes more attractive and of high quality. The assessment instrument is made more practical and efficient. Learning can be repeated and carried out without space and time limits.


Creativity, digital technology instruction, google classroom, creativity, learning design


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Volume 10, 26 Mar 2023
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