Home-schooling Learning Model in Order to Achieve Success- What's Different with Learning from Home? (Case Study on Students in The Pewaris Bangsa Home-schooling Community, Bandung)

Sanny Darman ,  Iip Saripah ,  Sardin
Department of Community Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


During the pandemic when people are pessimistic about learning to be done from home, the term home-schooling is in the spotlight. Many families actually choose home-schooling long before this condition occurs because they believe this learning model can bring success to their children. Is home-schooling the same as “learning from home”? Why homeschool students can succeed? By conducting case studies in the Pewaris Bangsa Home-schooling Community, through various series of interviews and observations of students, parents as well as community managers and collecting documentation, this research was conducted. The learning model of home-schooling students in the Pewaris Bangsa Home-schooling Community is different from learning from home carried out by formal schools during the pandemic as parents are entrusted with managing their children's learning, self-regulated learning and self-directed learning are more likely to occur than school students and the learning model that is carried out leads to the needs of students, not just teachers or school programs.  The success of students occurs because they have more motivation and the ability to self-regulate which is fostered by the role of parents and the environment.


home-schooling, learning from home, self-regulated learning, self-directed learning


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Volume 07, 21 Oct 2021
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