Strengthening Digital Literacy During and Post Pandemic Covid-19

Nurul Hayati ,  Fitri Dwi Arini
Department of Non Formal Education Padang State University, Padang, Indonesia


The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak creates anxiety, panic, and fear for the public. The spread of the virus is rapid, which has caused the WHO to raise the status of the pandemic becoming global. Even though the amount recovered counted many, the mortality rate continues to increase. This is what makes people feel afraid and panicked. The panic itself is able to lower the power holding the body of man, which is where the power holds the body is very important for the prevention of Covid-19. Strengthening digital literacy is needed both during the pandemic and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this paper is to describe the importance of strengthening digital literacy for the community. The method of writing this article is a qualitative review, which the data retrieval is using the secondary data derived from materials reading print or electronic. The results of the discussion are, first, the public demand should be proficient in filtering the information that they receive. Second, during this pandemic, people must remain creative and productive to improve their standard of living. Third, during this pandemic, people need "refreshing" media through digital literacy to maintain mental health. In conclusion, strengthening people's digital literacy can be one of the keys to preventing COVID-19.


Strengthening Digital Literacy, During the Covid 19 Pandemic, Post the Covid 19 Pandemic


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Volume 07, 21 Oct 2021
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