Application of Coaching Model Grow through Knowledge Andragogical Content Learning

Abdul Rahmat ,  Mira Mirnawati
Department of Non Formal Education, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia


Development of a training model with an andragogical content knowledge learning approach is an option in this study. This research method uses qualitative approaches. The measurement of effectiveness used the experimental group design and the control group pre-test and post-test. Collecting data through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results showed: 1) the application of coaching in learning andragogical content knowledge has a tremendous impact on the apparatus based on the results of the analysis on stakeholders and this is feasible to be developed. 2) The combination of coaching in learning andragogical content knowledge with managerial leadership material has a positive impact on training participants, they can participate actively and enthusiastically in the learning process. 3) The application of coaching in learning andragogical content knowledge shows an increase in the competence of participants and lecturers, enriches the application of models, strategies, and learning methods of the experience cycle, increases motivation and cooperation in solving problems.


andragogical, coaching, learning, managerial competence


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Volume 07, 21 Oct 2021
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