Phenomences of Dance Competition Winners at the FLS2N Event in West Sumatera Province (the Study of the Result of Extracurricular Program)

Venny Rosalina ,  Gustia Arini E ,  Herlinda Mansyur
Prodi Pendidikan Tari, Jurusan Sendratasik Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia


The phenomenon of the development of dance in West Sumatra always has a shift in accordance with the influence of the times and cultural demands. This can be proven through the most prestigious annual dance event in Indonesia, namely FLS2N. This event proves how the development of dance at the youth level every year. Dance Extracurricular Activities as Non-Formal Education are the main forum for fostering creativity and instilling Minangkabau values in a dance movement. Dance education from adolescence must be implemented in maintaining the values and successors of the next generation so as not to erode the cultural values that exist in Minangkabau. This study aims to analyze the extent to which the development of dance at the school level. See how the efforts and development of dance in the learning room to attend the annual event. The shift in the past few years has resulted in female dancers no longer getting a place in the event because they are considered the work that was born violating cultural norms. Looking at the history of the development of Minangkabau dance, women are actually the most influential people in the development of Minangkabau dance.


Phenomenon, dance development, gender, Minangkabau


Volume 06, 20 Nov 2020
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