Modalité des modaux du français dans les actes discours directifs dans BD Michel Vaillant en perspective sociopragmatique

Yuliantini ,  Sumarlam ,  Tri Wiratno
Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia


This research aims to describe the type of modality of French modal verbs in directive speech acts in the comic Michel Vaillant and find its meaning. In French, modality it is seen in the use of modal verbs such as devoir, pouvoir, vouloir, and falloir. In addition to the semantic studies, the terms are also considered to be socio-pragmatic. This study describes the modality of modal verbs in directives speech acts in the data. Analysis of the modality types is made by dividing it into four categories namely intentional, epistemic, deontic and dynamics. The purpose of this study is to describe the verb type and mode which means the modality of French modal verbs in directive speech acts. The socio-pragmatic approach is used to address the problem and interpret the intent of the spoken statement. The unit of analysis is the speech acts. The speech here means directive using modal verbs used by the characters in Michel Vaillant. In addition, to find the meaning of French modal verbs we use Hymes’ theory on the components of speech situations.


Modality, modal verbs, speech acts, socio-pragmatic


Volume 03, 01 Oct 2019
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