L’interférence des langues étrangères dans des méthodes d’enseignement de français : étude sociopragmatique

Nurul Hikmayaty Saefullah ,  Rosaria Mita Amalia ,  Savitri Aditiany
Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia


French is the strongest competitor of the English language. The existence of English is considered to be a threat to French language with the inclusion of a large English vocabulary in French. The threats come not only from English, but also from other foreign languages, including the languages of the countries of immigration living in France and the language of the neighboring countries. The interaction of French with these languages seems understandable and accepted in French politics itself. French teaching methods include today of many vocabularies in foreign languages, which should be free of any foreign influence. It shows that French began to open up, that learning the language should also learn about its culture and all things related. The case is now, not how to stop it, but how to control it and see it as a positive attempt in human interaction. It is the purpose of this study. Linguistically, it is interesting to study this problem using sociopragmatic theory, i.e. considering the practice of the use of foreign languages in the manual of French from the culture and pragmatism. Using data from French teaching methods, the analysis was conducted using a descriptive analytical method, with sociolinguistic and pragmatic as theoretical background. The expected outcome of this study is the discovery of the positives of the interference of foreign languages in the teaching of French methods and it does not harm the reputation of French in the eyes of the international community.


French teaching, interference, sociopragmatics


Volume 03, 01 Oct 2019
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