La traduction de l’article défini français en indonésien dans le roman Syngué Sabour par Atiq Rahimi

Laras Intan Taslima ,  Sajarwa
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


French article belongs to the determiner, which has an important role in French sentence structure. French is one of the Romance languages having the article system for each noun. French articles indicate the genre and the number of a noun, so that each noun should be accompanied by an article. The definite article is the main point in this research. The definite article in the novel Syngué Sabour by Atiq Rahimi is translated into Indonesian in the novel Batu Kesabaran. The translation of the novel Syngué Sabour of French into Indonesian is interesting to analyze because of differences of the determiner system both languages. The diversity of translation forms French articles in Syngué Sabour novel is the main source of this research data. The different forms of translation of the articles in French are ranked according to the form of the translation in Indonesian, with an equal equivalent or zero form. This research aims to identify the variety of forms and factors in the formation of various forms of translation of French articles in the novel Syngué Sabour (Pierre de Patience).


translation, definite articles, French, Syngué Sabour


Volume 03, 01 Oct 2019
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