La question cruciale pour son propre pays : analyse du discours critiques sur le roman Le Mouchoir par Mohamed Kacimi

Ida Bagus Putra Ananta Sidhiswara
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Every sentence selected contain a desire and an ideology of the author. This one is not obvious, it is not explicitly mentioned. We can find it in the structure of the story, words and phrases used to define the object of the critique. Leaving his country at the age of 25, Kacimi went to France. He published his first novel entitled Le Mouchoir where he tries to criticize the Algerian society, the government and his compatriots in a caricatured way and using satire. This research analyses the critics mentioned in the novel. The aim of this research is to reveal how the author criticizes his proper country after he leaved it and the hidden forms of critics under the symbols from narrator’s regard. This research utilizes the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis From Fairclough that reveals the perspective of the author in words, sentences, and paragraphs. This research revealed the critics for a country that the author talk in the novel by the regards of narrator, also the indifferent and insolents behaviors of the citizens, the dictator of the people, totalitarian country that we can see in the story. The result proved that this novel is a critic to a totalitarian country in the form of fictive story. All of these can be found in the title, stages, characters, and the space.


critic, discourse, Mouchoir, Kacimi, Algeria


Volume 03, 01 Oct 2019
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