La domination de la mère dans le film J'ai tué ma mère de Xavier Dolan

Aditya Putri Ismarini ,  Suma Riella Rusdiarti
Département de français, Faculté des Sciences Humaines, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia


This article is about the representation of maternal domination and the trial in the film J’ai tué ma mère  of Xavier Dolan through narrative and cinematographic film aspects. The analysis is supported by Michel Foucault’s concept of power to see the shape of dominance of the mother figure that occurs in the film. The power is the cornerstone of the training of domination that leads to repression against others, including within the family. The results of the analysis through narrative and cinematographic aspects of the film shows that dominance is formed due to the failure of the communication that exists between the forces and causes the formation of resistance by the dominated figures, the boy. The power and the domination of a very large maternal figure in the figure of the boy life causes problems and conflicts between them, thus creating a distance in the relationship between the mother and the child. The resistance of the dominant figure is intended to challenge the power of domination. Dominance is also reinforced by the matriarchal cultural factors within the culture of the community in Quebec, which is the setting for the film.


movie, relationships of power, domination, matriarchal


Volume 03, 01 Oct 2019
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