The implementation of public organization communication and its long-term effect on corporate image: A literature review of PT Astra Honda Motor

Pujangga Putra Kartono 1 ,  Dorien Kartikawangi 2
1 Post-Graduate Corporate Management Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia, 4 Salemba Raya Street, Kenari, Senen, Central Jakarta, Capital City of Jakarta, Indonesia 10430
2 Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social dan Political Science, Universitas Indonesia


PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) is the top motorcycle production company in Indonesia with total share market above 70 % nationally with distribution volume approximately 6 000 000 units each year. This growth creates new problems in the society such as increasing number of the road accident, many motorcycle users disobey traffic laws and the increase of underage motorcycle users. This condition is interesting to observe as for how PT AHM do their public organization communication to overcome the rising issues in society. 2 Organization Communication theories are used to strengthen this review, they are 1) public organization communication and 2) organization development and change. These theories become the basis to see how PT AHM internally manage their communication to create an impactful message to their customer and public audience. Based on review to the company, it is found that PT AHM is active and consistent in running their public organization communication. One of their campaign that has been running is One Heart or more known as Satu Hati campaign. All the campaigns and communications did help PT AHM to avoid accusations of the cause of negative effects of high motorcycle production. Until now, they remain the market leader in national motorcycle market share.


communications, impactful message, one heart, organization development, public organization communication


Volume 01, 15 Nov 2018
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